관리 메뉴


[설계] Office Reservation System (Architecture, API Flow, Database) 본문

Application/API, 설계, 데이터 전처리

[설계] Office Reservation System (Architecture, API Flow, Database)

sdoaolo 2024. 4. 2. 21:55


Office Reservation System

  • View All Employee Work Status API
  • Seat Reservation API
  • Cancel Seat Reservation API


✅ Architecture


  • Kotlin


  • SpringBoot **2.7.17
  • Gradle - Kotlin


  • MySQL
  • Spring Data JPA (Hibernate)
  • QueryDsl


  • Swagger 3.0.0 


  • MockK (Mockiing Library)
  • IntelliJ (Test Coverage)




Detailed Requirements Definition

  • There are a total of 100 seats available (1~100).
  • Each employee can reserve only [one seat].
  • Each seat can be used by only [one employee].
  • Total number of employees: 150.
  • Work Status: In-office / Remote / Vacation / No show.
    • 추가한 세부 정의 
    • Reservation cancellation: Change the status of the employee who cancelled to [No show].
    • Successful reservation: Change the status of the employee who succeeded to [In-office].
    • When all seats are reserved: Change the status of employees who didn't show up to [Remote].
    • Every day at 12 AM: Change the status of all employees to [No show].
    • Adding an employee: When adding employee data, set the default status to [No show].
  • When all seats are reserved, employees who did not reserve a seat are automatically assigned to work remotely.
  • If there are remaining seats, employees can reserve a seat.


✅ Structure of Directory 

├── main
│   ├── kotlin
│   │   └── com
│   │       └── sdoaolo.officereservationsystem
│   │           ├── OfficeReservationSystemApplication.kt
│   │           ├── aop
│   │           ├── common
│   │           │   └── mapping
│   │           ├── configuration
│   │           │   └── querydsl
│   │           │   └── swagger
│   │           ├── employee
│   │           │   ├── controller
│   │           │   ├── dto
│   │           │   ├── entity
│   │           │   ├── repository
│   │           │   └── service
│   │           ├── error
│   │           │   └── exception
│   │           ├── scheduling
│   │           └── seat
│   │               ├── controller
│   │               ├── dto
│   │               ├── entity
│   │               ├── repository
│   │               └── service
│   └── resources
│       ├── application.yml
│       ├── static
│       └── templates
└── test
    ├── kotlin
    │   └── com
    │       └── sdoaolo.officereservationsystem
    │           ├── employee
    │           │   ├── controller
    │           │   └── service
    │           └── seat
    │               ├── controller
    │               └── service
    └── resources


✅ API 

  • All API endpoints start with    /api/v1/  
  •   ApplicationResponseDto   (common response type)
data class ApplicationResponseDto<T>(
    val status: ResponseStatus, //Enum class
    val message: String, //custom message
    val code : Long?, //ResponseStatus' code
    val isSuccess: Boolean, // true/false
    val data: T 


✚ Additional API    (for DEMO)


nameMethodEnd pointparam / body
Employee RegistrationPOST/employees{ "name" : "강지은" }
Seat RegistrationPOST/seats{ "seatLocation" : "서울 강남구 삼성동 12312 1F Room3” }




📝 Defined API


nameMethod End point param / body
View All Employee Work Status GET/employees/work-status?page=1
Seat ReservationPOST/seats/reservations{ "employeeNumber": 7, "seatNumber": 19 }
Cancel Seat ReservationDELETE/seats/reservations{ "employeeNumber": 7, "seatNumber": 19 }


1️⃣ API  : View All Employee Work Status 

  • Check the work status of all employees.
    • For employees whose work mode is "in-office," their seat numbers are also provided.
  • Implement pagination to display 20 people per page



⏺ Request


GET    /employees/work-status?page=1


⏺ Response

    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "현재 직원들의 근무 상태입니다.",
    "code": 200,
    "isSuccess": true,
    "data": [
            "name": "a",
            "employeeNumber": 1,
            "currentWorkType": "재택"
            "name": "b",
            "employeeNumber": 2,
            "currentWorkType": "출근"
            "seatNumber": 3
            "name": "c",
            "employeeNumber": 3,
            "currentWorkType": "출근"
            "seatNumber": 2
        --- 생략 ---


2️⃣ API  :  Seat Reservation

  • Employees reserve seats for today.
  • Multiple employees cannot reserve the same seat at the same time
  • Implement concurrency control.  (https://jie0025.tistory.com/604)

[JPA] 비관적락을 사용해 동시성 문제 해결하기 (curl command로 동시요청)

✅ 선행 개념 먼저 비관적 락이 무엇인지에 대한 개념은 아래 글에 적어놓았다. https://jie0025.tistory.com/603 비관적 락은 무엇이고 왜/언제 사용할까? ✅ 비관적 락 ? DB관리에서 사용하는 기술 중 하




⏺ Request


POST    /seats/reservations


    "employeeNumber": 1, //The Employee Number
    "seatNumber": 2 //The seat number the employee wishes to reserve


⏺ Response

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "The seat has been reserved.",
  "code": 200,
  "isSuccess": true,
  "data": {
		"employeeNumber" : 1,
		"seatNumber": 2


⏺ Exception

1.     Out of the effective range  

	"employeeNumber": 333,   //★
	"seatNumber": 444  //★


    "status": "BAD_REQUEST",
    "message": "employeeNumber: 150 이하여야 합니다, seatNumber: 100 이하여야 합니다",
    "code": 400,
    "isSuccess": false

2.     Data entered incorrectly   

    "employeeNumber": "HIHIHI",    //★
    "seatNumber": 1


    "timestamp": "2023-11-19T05:59:42.762+00:00",
    "status": 400,
    "error": "Bad Request",
    "path": "/api/v1/seats/reservations"

3.    No data exists  

    "status": "NOT_FOUND",
    "message": "Employee Not Found",
    "code": 404,
    "isSuccess": false
    "status": "NOT_FOUND",
    "message": "Seat Not Found",
    "code": 404,
    "isSuccess": false

4.     No seats available  

    "message": "There are no remaining seats. ",
    "code": 422,
    "isSuccess": false

5.     Seat already reserved  

    "status": "CONFLICT",
    "message": "This seat is already reserved. Please choose a different seat",
    "code": 409,
    "isSuccess": false

6.     User has already made a reservation  

    "status": "CONFLICT",
    "message": "This user has already completed a reservation",
    "code": 409,
    "isSuccess": false

7.     Seats canceled today cannot be rebooked

    "status": "BAD_REQUEST",
    "message": "Previously reserved seats cannot be re-reserved",
    "code": 400,
    "isSuccess": false


3️⃣  API  :  Cancel Seat Reservation

  • If an employee cancels their reservation, another employee can reserve the seat.
  • If a seat is canceled by any employee, it cannot be re-booked on the same day.


⏺ Request


DELETE    /seats/reservations


    "employeeNumber": 1, //The Employee Number
    "seatNumber": 2 //The seat number the employee wishes to cancel


⏺ Response

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "The seat has been canceled.",
  "code": 200,
  "isSuccess": true,
  "data": {
		"employeeNumber" : 1,
		"seatNumber": 2


⏺ Exception

1.    No data exists  

    "status": "NOT_FOUND",
    "message": "Reservation Not Found",
    "code": 404,
    "isSuccess": false



✅  Database Design (MySQL)


⏺ ER-Diagram


a. Table  : employee 

  • employeeId
    • Primary Key 
  • name
    • VARCHAR(20)
    • NOT NULL
  • employeeNumber - (1~150)
    • NOT NULL
  • currentWorkType
    • VARCHAR(255)
    •  In-office / Remote / Vacation / No show
  • created_date : Date the employee's account was created
    • DATE


b. Table  :  employee-seat

  • id
    • Primary Key
  • employee_id : FK (from Employees_employeeId)
    • INT
    • employee : employee_seat = 1: N
  • seatId : FK (from seats_seatId)
    • INT
    • seat : employee_seat = 1: N
  • isValid    (It will notify you if the reservation is valid.)
    • Current Reservation (Valid)
    • Canceled Reservation (Invalid)
  • reserve_date
    • DATE


c.  Table  :  seat

  • seatId 
    • PK 
  • seatLocation
    • VARCHAR(50)
      • Room numbers can consist of numbers, letters, or a combination of both.
        • Example) AA Building 3F 20, BBB Tower 6F 4
  • seatNumber (1~100)
    • NOT NULL
  • created_date   (Date the seat was created)
    • DATE


⏺ Relationships between Tables

Reference: employee_seat.employee_id > employees.employeeId

  • Many-to-One Relationship:
    • Employees can create multiple entries of reservation information.
    • Each reservation record is associated with a single employee.

Reference: employee_seat.seatId > seats.seatId

  • Many-to-One Relationship:
    • A single seat can be associated with multiple reservation records.
    • Each reservation record is associated with a single seat.


⏺ Compound UNIQUE Constraints

  • To ensure that employees can make valid reservations for only one seat per day, a compound UNIQUE constraint has been applied.
  • UNIQUE Constraint Settings: reserve_date, employee_id, seat_id.
It is possible to reserve different seats for different employees on the same day.
Through business logic validation (isValid check), we have implemented a system that prevents employees from making multiple reservations for seats


✅ Test Coverage

  • Unit testing of the Controller and Service units is conducted.


  • Test coverage has been verified using the IntelliJ